What We Do
Government agencies have extensive collections of unique materials. Preserving precious information while also making them easily accessible is a priority. LAC Federal ensures all digital and physical assets and resources are managed effectively and optimized to meet the goals andrequirements necessary for information discovery and user access.
- Selecting print and electronic resources for library collection development
- Facilitating user access across multiple platforms, devices, and locations
- Analyzing circulation statistics to provide current and relevant materials
- Managing shelf space and offsite storage to optimize limited space
- Comprehensive cataloging and metadata services
A broad range of experience across varying asset types includes:
- Monographs, serials, journals, and documents
- Photographs
- Videotape, audiotape, digital discs, and film
- Microfiche
- Archival materials
Digital Asset Management (DAM)
LAC Federal delivers a comprehensive DAM approach, applying information manipulation techniques and library science principles to enhance user discovery:
- Analog to digital conversion
- Meta-tagging
- Taxonomy development
- Indexing and keyword assignment
- Cataloging (MARC, VRA Core, and other formats)
- Image captioning
- Digital curation and migration
As brokers of digital resources with experience across a wide variety of digital repositories and content management systems, LAC Federal information professionals provide expertise in digital support services.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
LAC Federal supported the BLM National Operations Center Library as part of a larger effort to catalog and digitize BLM publications, providing original cataloging and program management and quality control of catalog records and digital files.

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Like many libraries, the CDC is downsizing physical collections and space. However maintaining and expanding access to resources while authentically preserving decades of institutional knowledge proves challenging. LAC Federal provided systems and electronic resources librarians to develop and maintain digital platforms while remaining the primary vehicles for library services.

National Agricultural Library (NAL)
Since 2014, LAC Federal has supported the NAL digital initiative, selecting materials for digitization and inclusion in online collections and exhibits. With stabilization and conservation treatment, materials are prepared for scanners for digitization, metadata is added, quality is checked, and digital files are uploaded to the archival management system.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
LAC Federal digital asset management staff worked with IT services at NOAA to develop and launch the institutional repository (IR). Bringing together over 20,000 publications, datasets, and other research products produced by NOAA researchers, the IR was built on Fedora Commons, a digital asset management architecture.

Library of Congress
At the Library of Congress, LAC Federal provides collections maintenance support across multiple projects:
LAC Federal provides Legal Collections Management for the Law Library of Congress with special expertise in legal materials including knowledge of superseded volumes, loose-leaf filing, and pocket parts.
Since 2013, LAC Federal has been the incumbent provider to the Library’s Stacks & Collections Maintenance Support Program with multiple teams working in all three buildings of the main campus as well as the Library’s off-site storage facilities. Tasks include distribution, transport, new acquisitions sorting and filing, and retrieval. Shifting stacks ensures the most efficient use of space while maintaining the integrity and safety of thousands of volumes handled weekly.
LAC Federal has held the contract for the Library’s Inspection of Production Lots Program (IPLP) since 2003, involving careful inspection of work processed in numerous other projects, from error flagging to controlling data on items selected for off-site storage. LAC Federal utilizes a project database to capture and report on key performance data.

The Wilson Center Library of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
The Wilson Center Library of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars includes the John S.G. Simmons Collection with many 18th to 20th century books related to Russian and Slavonic studies that were never cataloged. LAC Federal librarians supported the Center by cataloging and importing bibliographical records according to the library’s copy-cataloging standards.